How Pacific Transcription Meets Researchers’ Rigorous Ethical Standards
Pacific Transcription understands the importance and vital nature of meeting rigorous ethical standards. Many researchers require confidentiality agreements to ensure the information provided for transcription is kept secure, safe, and adheres to the specific ethical requirements of their university or other research body.
Right from the very first upload of audio, through to the return of the transcript and safe storage of the transcript and audio post-completion, every piece of information provided must be kept safe and secure, at every step of the transcription process.
First Step: Securing a Confidentiality Agreement
Before receiving the audio or device storing important client data Pacific ensures a confidentiality agreement is in place. Pacific Transcription has non-disclosure agreements available as part of Pacific’s Terms and Conditions document. Pacific Transcription’s Managing Director reviews client-supplied specific non-disclosure agreements, and, upon assessment, review, and approval against relevant legislation, signs the document.
Second Step: Creating and Using a Secure Account with Pacific Transcription
Pacific Transcription’s secure client accounts are accessed through Pacific’s secure online website. All access to the site is auditable via IP number, and the secure server uses bank grade RSA 2048 bit encryption keys. All client accounts are password protected and clients can set their own passwords, which are stored in a secure encrypted format.
An integral part of meeting rigorous ethical standards is compliance with the appropriate rules and regulations. Pacific Transcription is compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as well as the Guidelines on Privacy in the Private Health Sector issued by the Federal Privacy Commissioner under the National Health Act 1953 (Cth).
Third Step: Maintaining and Measuring a Rigorous Quality Assurance Process
Pacific’s Quality Assurance processes are second to none, which is another reason why our research clients return to us time and time again. Researchers are confident in our ability to deliver consistently and exceptionally high-quality transcripts, under closely supervised confidentiality conditions.
Pacific Transcription is ISO:9001 accredited, which means that Pacific’s business foundations have been assessed to be strong and robust, and through regular review and assessment, continue to provide the best suite of quality services possible to all clients. ISO:9001 certification is an internationally recognised standard for organisations who implement and maintain a quality management system.
Fully Committed to Rigorous Ethical Standards
Pacific Transcription ensures all our academic transcription services adhere to strict confidentiality, privacy, and non-disclosure requirements. If you have any queries regarding how a professional transcriber from Pacific Transcription can meet your specific ethical requirements, please call 1300 662 173, email or contact us today.
Updated 27/01/2023