Recording Options and Dictation Tips for Medical and Legal Clients: Digital Recorders vs. Dial-in Dictation
There are a number of dictation options available to medical and legal industries in the modern transcription world. The most frequently used systems tend to be hand-held digital voice recorders and phone-based dial-in dictation systems, and each of these platforms has benefits for medical and legal professionals. Interested in getting tips for dictation? Continue reading for our dictation tips and options for medical and legal professionals.
Dictation Tips #1: Digital recorders
Digital recorders essentially represent a technological advancement on the traditional dictation tape. Rather than requiring a physical tape recorder, digital recorders allow medical and legal professionals to dictate into a physically and technologically streamlined device with a large memory hold capacity.
As far as making recommendations and giving tips for dictation goes, the benefit of digital recorders is that dictation files can be quickly and easily transferred onto your PC or Mac, for you to keep on record or electronically transferred to a transcription platform. Digital recorders eliminate the hassle of posting or couriering tapes and CDs, because the files are easily manipulable in an electronic context. Additionally, Pacific Transcription provides options for the automation of sending audio from digital recorders. For information on the best digital voice recorders for your needs, visit Pacific’s online shop.
Dictation Tips #2: Dial-in dictation
As far as tips for dictation go, dial-in dictation is a hassle-free and time-efficient alternative to dictating with a digital recorder. The platform allows legal and medical professionals to dictate using any phone, from anywhere in Australia. This means that you don’t need to be near a computer or have your digital recorder on you, in order to dictate that important letter or report. Dial-in dictation also includes features to designate urgent files and review the audio that you have dictated.
Pacific Transcription partners with 3M M*Modal to provide our medical and legal clients with a dial-in dictation platform. 3M M*Modal is a robust program that is deployed in many hospitals throughout Australia, which means that many of our medical clients are familiar with the process.
Need more dictation tips or further information?
If you would like more dictation tips, further information on Pacific Transcription’s medical transcription services, legal transcription services, or other options such as Dial-in Dictation transcription services, please contact us at Pacific Transcription now.
Posted by Catherine Byrne